About Us
The Ethiopian Society of Post Harvest Management (ESPHM) was established under Charities and Societies proclamation number 621/2001 article 68(1) and registered as Ethiopian society on June 09, 2016.
The society has the following objectives.
- To create a platform for PHM professionals to discuss, share experience and exchange information
- To give professional support as well as work together with ESPHM society members who are affiliated with medium and higher learning institutions
- To create a strong linkage among societies having similar goals and objectives in order to build capacity of PHM professionals
Following the reform of the EFDRE Civil Society Organization Authority, the ESPHM was re-registered and accorded legal personality with registry number 3648 on February 20, 2020 as local organization in accordance with Civil Societies Organization proclamation No. 1113/2019, article 88(3).
The society has strong linkages with government sectors, national and international development partners, and private sectors working in the areas of post-harvest management. The ESPHM members are also contributing technically to the development of different national strategies, such as postharvest management strategy, food safety strategy, and nutrition-sensitive agri-food systems strategy. The ESPHM is working with the All Africa Postharvest Harvest Congress and Exhibition (AAPHCE). The executive members of society have participated in the organization of the 2nd and 4th AAPHCE, which were held at the AU headquarter in Addis Ababa.